5 Things You Should NEVER Ask Your Wedding Planner To Do

5. Get involved in family drama

Weddings can get stressful and sometimes result in tension among family members, but that is where it should stay. You’re not being unreasonable when you say you don’t want to wear the bright orange clip on earrings that belonged to your husband’s great aunt, you are being unreasonable when you want your coordinator to deliver that news to your future mother-in-law. Your coordinator is there to make sure your wedding goes smoothly, not smooth over disagreements within your family.

4. Hold the baby or watch the kids

Your coordinator has enough on her plate the day of your wedding. She is overseeing everything from the vendor set up to your grand entrance, and throwing a kid in her arms doesn’t make any of that easier. It’s difficult to say no to the baby hand off so she will likely oblige when asked to do so, but for the sake of her sanity and your wedding, please make sure your family, friends and wedding party have someone standing by for baby duty when they’re taking pictures, and more importantly, walking down the aisle.

3. Take shots with the wedding party

Weddings are a time to celebrate and hopefully your wedding planner has been so amazing that you want her to celebrate right along side you! However, the coordinator should never be asked to do shots with the wedding party no matter how much fun everyone is having. The goal still remains to have a flawless event, so please don’t ever put pressure on the coordinator to do a round of shots with the group. Not to mention, it’s very unprofessional!

2. Try on wedding dresses while shopping for one

Your planner may join you in your search for the perfect wedding dress to help with decision making, but she’s not there to act as a fit model. We know that taking those dresses on and off gets exhausting but chances are your body type does not match that of your coordinators and the dress would look entirely different on her anyway, not to mention it’s an uncomfortable request to begin with. You may think this is a crazy thing to have on our list but it made it on here for a reason…it’s been done before.

1. Help you pee

It’s great if you and your coordinator have gotten along so well that this doesn’t seem like an odd thing to ask – but it is. Again, this is a situation in which she will likely oblige, being that she wants to cater to even your craziest requests, but please don’t make this one of them. You asked your best girlfriends to be in your wedding for a reason, give them this opportunity to shine.